Wednesday, 18 November 2009

MPH Show

Made the annual pilgrimage to MPH Top gear show at Earls Court a couple of weeks ago.

Apart from being a very entertaining live show and impressive exhibition it has particular significance as when I went for the first time in 2007 I had just been diagnosed with MND. So I spent much of the show contemplating if I would still be around to see it again a year later and whilst I'm pleased that I not only managed to make it in 2008 but also 2009, I still have the same thoughts each year. I'm determined to be there in 2010 even if I have to take a ventilator!
With the help of friends and brother in law I took the boys for the first time with predicable results. They loved the show and seeing the famous people from the telly, but were less enthusiastic or cooperative looking at the stands.

Trying to effectively discipline the boys from a wheelchair and with unintelligable speech is incredibly frustrating (and may get its own blog entry soon ) but uncle david is excellent at stepping when necessary and being suitably scary.
Jake is not keen on loud noise (unless he's generating it) so standing next to Tiff Needel orchestrating six supercars having their nuts revved off was not his idea of fun, but it was mine!


Rachel Ridley said...

Fab photo of you and the boys. We were thinking of going but as usual weren't organised enough... Next year! x

Kim Darby said...

Yep. Great photo but D. does look a bit scared! :-)

canary islands holidays said...

MPH is very good show. I have enjoyed very much there. It is really very much entertaining show. You all are looking amazing in this snap...