Monday, 22 November 2010

November in a Nutshell

Tracy has just told me that instead of doing the usual Round Robin inside the Christmas cards this year, she would simply include a link to my blog, so I thought that I better update it pronto. So for those of you good people who keep up to date with it, your work is done! For the rest of you, get reading.

I am still here. Lack of entries down to several factors, not least the 'homework' syndrome; if you put off doing it, the volume increases at an inversely proportionate rate to your enthusiasm level to complete it. My latter exam results at school illustrate that I am no stranger to the problem.

The other phenomenon which I am experiencing is the less I do the less I fit into the day. To explain further, it can be 4pm and I still haven't done something fairly simple planned for that day (more often than not it includes updating the blog). When I was working I could have seen 3 prospective clients in Central London, Surrey and Hampshire, spoken to 20 other companies on the phone and resolved a handful of crises in the same time frame. If I spoke to my mum in the evening it would sound like her day had been equally busy despite it comprising of a trip to the local Budgens and a high pressure meeting about the weather with Joyce down the road, over coffee!

And now it all makes sense. (mum if you are reading this, sorry)

So, instead of trying to catch up with the blog backlog by writing ten full length entries, you will have to make do with this compressed summary and hope you aren't as unimpressed as Mr Perry, my English teacher was in 1983!

At the beginning of November I took the boys to The Top Gear Live show at Earls Court. I remember writing last year that I was going to go to this year even if I had to take breathing apparatus along. Fortunately this wasn't required but I will make the same promise for next year. My mate Stuart bravely agreed to accompany us and despite suffering a nasty gash to his head en route, the result of an argument with some shelving in a petrol station shop, he did a sterling job of keeping control of the boys. The show was the usual mix of stunt driving and immature antics that you would expect from messers Clarkson, Hammond and May but you can't fail to entertain 9 year old boys by driving a car at high speed around a small arena, especially when the car is engulfed in flames.

The following week we took the boys to see The Railway Children production at Waterloo. They are using the old Eurostar terminal, with the audience sat on opposite platforms overlooking a sliding stage on the track. We had hoped that the boys would enjoy it, especially as a real steam train is used, but it simply couldn't compete with the possibility of seeing Stig get cremated!

Jumping forward to this weekend, we took the boys to Wimbledon theatre to see Cirque de Glace. Billed as a Cirque de Soleil on ice, we were all a bit disappointed. The ice skating was impressive, considering the size of the stage but it all got rather repetative and the production's  premise - the history of the earth,  was rather pompous. Mercifully it was an abridged history, particularly between the end of the first act which depicted the iron age and the start of the second act which dealt with the moon landing. But we didn't complain; if they had covered the first 3,999,999,960 years in 60 minutes, they were hopefully going to knock out the remaining 40 in a few seconds! They managed to stretch it out to 30 minutes, during which we had also got a better view, courtesy of the 20 people in the next 2 rows who decided at the break that Wimbledon must have something better to offer. The boys would have joined them given the choice.

Other events during November included my birthday. Quite frankly I would have let it pass ignored, but I know others including the boys like doing something, so we did. We had some friends over on Saturday and Tracy has booked a night away in a New Forest hotel this Thursday which will be nice although I am sure we both have worries on the logistics of it. I also received a beautiful drawing by Tracy of the boys and me.

I had a nice day on Friday with Adam at Duxford Air Museum near Cambridge. Bit of a treck, particularly on the way back through Friday evening traffic. The sat nav decided it knew a better route than the A1M and M25 so if you live anywhere within the M25 we probably drove past your house... Possibly twice. The museum is great (assuming that you like aeroplanes) and there are some brilliant exhibits including Blackbird, B52, Vulcan (I can almost see your eyes glazing over so I will move on ). Adam will never forgive me if I fail to mention that the 'impressive' growth under his nose is purely for charity and will be gone first thing on December 1st. I know he is very self conscious about it so as we wandered around the US Airforce hangar, I told him he needn't worry as everyone would just assume that he was American.... A gay American obviously!




Anonymous said...

Sounds like an action packed month as usual. I notice a bias towards motor/vehicles in your outings. Shame the Cirque to Glace was not so good. I went to see Spamalot last Friday which was the funniest show (assuming you like Monty Python humour) Allan also has a "charity moustache" and although he isn't embarrassed I am!! A lot of people trying to imitate Magmun PI around at the moment. Belated Happy Birthday to you. Good idea of Tracy's by the way to give you the burden of the Xmas communication. Christine

Anonymous said...

Thanks for making the effort to write so much. I love reading your blog and checking in on the family news. I just can't believe how many trips and activities you all pack in! Wow Tracy - your drawing of 'The Evans Men' is fantastic. Anna P